For Part 1 of this blog post, please click here. So the two of us moved in. Me, some suitcases, a laptop bag, a flat mate, and nothing more. Except, a few hopes and dreams, perhaps? It was a tiny house, with two tiny bedrooms, and a hall, which was just enough to accommodate the both of us. I don’t really recall when exactly it happened, when I developed a liking to this place, when I got comfortable enough to call it home. My room was bare, with a bed and a cupboard, and that was how I preferred it. However, there was something about it that I did not like at the time – I didn’t even bother to wait a day to change it – the open windows. They did not quite match with my “keeping it private” theme. I don’t know about most people, but I’m not comfortable with strangers peeping into my private space, even if it’s not what they intend to do. Hence, I picked up newspapers, new and old, and covered those windows with layers of them (yes, plural). I ensured that there was not an in...