It was the eve of Twenty Four
And Christmas was here again!
They placed the shining star at the top
Of a tree made of green and gold.
It looked beautiful, pristine
As it did every year.
The chilly air was chirping
The chilly air was chirping
With Christmas Cheer.
First snowfall of the season
Brought the spirit to life!
The lights, the glistening snowflakes,
Made the night look brighter than day!
A visitor on this cold night?
A visitor on this cold night?
A figure clad round and red,
Beard shining like snow in the sky.
Leaving behind only cookie crumbs
And a sack, lighter on the shoulder.
Was it Santa who had come
Or his helpful little elves?
Come the cold Christmas morning,
Come the cold Christmas morning,
There were presents by the hearth,
Wrapped in paper and mystery
Waited to be ripped open
By excited little fingers,
Of those who had been nice
And even the few who had been naughty.
As the red stockings emptied
As the red stockings emptied
Grins grew wider.
The whole family gathered
And hurried together to Church
To pray, and to sing
It was after all, a Holy Day
That marked the birth of Christ.
And so they went, all at once -
Joy to the world
Joy to the world
Joy to the world
The Lord is come
Let earth receive her King
Let every heart prepare Him room
And Heaven and nature sing
And Heaven and nature sing
And Heaven, and Heaven, and nature sing.
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