I think we all have those important moments of realization in our lives. You realize something so obvious, something that is right in front of your eyes, something that has been there all the time. Other people possibly saw it - and tried telling you about it - however, you were never willing to see it. Until you did. For me, this epiphany happened in July of this year. I did not see it coming at all, until one fine day, it hit me right in my face. The Big Truth – that I suffer from Anxiety. I have noticed my symptoms before, multiple times – sometimes low, sometimes high. I have also been diagnosed with it once, but I guess I simply wasn’t ready to accept it then. I can write more about anxiety, and about how I deal with it, in a separate blog post, but right now I want to write about something else. The coping mechanisms. Or, Therapy. Now I have been trying different forms of therapy – talk therapy (talking to a counselor, a friend or ...