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Showing posts from June, 2019

The Importance of Slowing Down

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon, I was sitting on my bed, alone, not doing anything at all, simply, staring at the walls of my room. Not on my laptop, not browsing through social media, and not watching Television (I’m making an assumption here, that these are the new age hobbies that most of us have cultivated). Yet, somehow, I managed to worry my family members - for not having anything to do, for putting a pause to being a productive member of society. And as a result, I managed to make myself feel guilty. But why? It is not as if this is what I do all day, everyday. I do have a full time job, and I do make time to do certain household chores, and do, every once in a while go out with friends and family. Then why the guilt? Of course, while some of it came from constantly being told that I need to be at a high speed, high energy mode all the time, I think, for the most part, it is self-inflicted. You see, today’s world moves on fast-forward. We take pride in being efficien...