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Showing posts from 2019

My Thoughts on Diversity & Inclusion

We are handling a largely complex workforce, owing to factors such as migration, cultural differences, generational changes, etc. There is a constant need evolving to make the workplace more friendly to people from different backgrounds. With this also comes the need to make more people aware of what inclusion is and why we need it. I want to define what Diversity & Inclusion is for me before I proceed. Diversity talks about factors including, but not limited to race, caste, gender, sexual orientation. A diverse workforce, therefore, is a workforce of people from all backgrounds - educational backgrounds, geographical backgrounds, ethnic backgrounds, sexual backgrounds, and more. Inclusion is a concept closely related to diversity but has a stark difference. How I see the two concepts is - Diversity is who we are, Inclusion is what we do to embrace who we are. Inclusion is aiming to provide equal opportunities to work and grow for each individual, irrespective of back...

Discovering Art Therapy

I think we all have those important moments of realization in our lives. You realize something so obvious, something that is right in front of your eyes, something that has been there all the time. Other people possibly saw it - and tried telling you about it - however, you were never willing to see it. Until you did. For me, this epiphany happened in July of this year. I did not see it coming at all, until one fine day, it hit me right in my face. The Big Truth – that I suffer from Anxiety. I have noticed my symptoms before, multiple times – sometimes low, sometimes high. I have also been diagnosed with it once, but I guess I simply wasn’t ready to accept it then. I can write more about anxiety, and about how I deal with it, in a separate blog post, but right now I want to write about something else. The coping mechanisms. Or, Therapy. Now I have been trying different forms of therapy – talk therapy (talking to a counselor, a friend or ...

The Importance of Slowing Down

It was a lazy Saturday afternoon, I was sitting on my bed, alone, not doing anything at all, simply, staring at the walls of my room. Not on my laptop, not browsing through social media, and not watching Television (I’m making an assumption here, that these are the new age hobbies that most of us have cultivated). Yet, somehow, I managed to worry my family members - for not having anything to do, for putting a pause to being a productive member of society. And as a result, I managed to make myself feel guilty. But why? It is not as if this is what I do all day, everyday. I do have a full time job, and I do make time to do certain household chores, and do, every once in a while go out with friends and family. Then why the guilt? Of course, while some of it came from constantly being told that I need to be at a high speed, high energy mode all the time, I think, for the most part, it is self-inflicted. You see, today’s world moves on fast-forward. We take pride in being efficien...


She went on adventures Big and small One after another. And left pieces of her soul In each place she visited. Only to come back home And realise She doesn't have enough pieces Left to make a whole one.

Zero Cost Happiness

Zero Cost Happiness - Little Things That Make You Happy  So I got my first job approximately 20 months back. A lot of things in my life changed once I started working full time - my routine, my perspective of life, some friendships as well as relationships, the value of independence, my expenditure habits, how I choose to look at money, and much more. Some deep thoughts about my changing perspectives, and I’ve come to the realization, that once you start working, you really get to learn the value of money. Possibly, like your parents always told you? Well anyway, as money comes in, it goes out. And while you sometimes think too hard before spending it, sometimes depending on your mood, you just splurge. Which also led me to realize, that money doesn't have much to do with real, eternal happiness. In other words, I had enough moments of happiness before I started earning, and I continue to do so now, with or without money in my hand. Of course I know that a source of...