Summers are here, and for those of us who are neither taking a vacation to some fairy tale land, nor indulging in any self help course or internship, this is the time to unwind and be at leisure, by simply staying at home, mainly trying to elude the scorching sun outside. Now being a graduate and having a post graduate college of my preference in hand, I personally feel that I have earned myself this - not to exaggerate - imperative break. So as I sit at home sipping my coffee, having the air conditioner blast cool air at my face, with my laptop in front of me, I decide to watch a TV show called <insert title here>. I've deliberately omitted the title of the TV show in here, because let's face it, I'm a binge watcher. And before I realize, I'll be over with series number 1, and on to series number 2, 3, 4 and the summer would come to an end. So yes, I'm a vegetable, and I guiltlessly so. If you are a binge watcher too, you have an affinity towards TV ...