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The sun is setting For the billionth time But there is something Unique, something different That sets it apart At this very instant. The cool breeze That signifies The humble beginnings Of autumn. The crisp wind Against my face, That silently says That summer is gone. Enjoy it While it lasts. Enjoy the brief Moments of peace and quiet Of tranquility, Before the long Harsh winter arrives.
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God’s Day

  A slow Sunday afternoon An unplanned nap. And waking up To the sound of rain outside To mountainous vibes in the city. Beautiful, but rare experiences. Looking outside my window. Catching a glimpse Of a butterfly on a flower  Flipping and flopping  It's colorful wings. Opening the door To my personal Library. The smell of books That take me back To my childhood days.

21-Day Blogging Marathon | Day 21: Lessons

When I graduated from college three years back, I used to feel like I’ve learnt whatever there is to learn in life, and now it is time to apply my learnings in real life. Three years later, I feel like I have more to learn now than I did ever before. One of the values I hold very dear to me, is the value of taking away lessons from everything I do. I strongly feel that each experience in life teaches you something, perhaps one experience teaches more than the other does. Nevertheless, there is something you can learn from everything you undertake.  On that note, I would like to mention the things I have learnt in the past 21 days. Do not wait for motivation to hit you: The moment I realized that I would be having more time on my hands for the next few weeks, I undertook this experiment of writing for 21 days continuously. I usually overthink whatever I do, but this time, I decided not to think too much, and simply started to write. I knew that since I would be writing ea...

21-Day Blogging Marathon | Day 20: Spirit Animal

They are cute and cuddly. They are graceful creatures, unique in their own way, each one having its own personality. They have beautiful eyes, sometimes making you feel as if they can peep into your soul. They are friendly when they want to be, and will come to you and purr in your lap. At the same time, they require and respect their own space. They love their food and their sleep. Yes, I am talking about cats. While I always found them intriguing, I was never an absolute cat-lover, until I started living around one, a few years ago. She was a feral cat, very cute and friendly. She would often come and go, our doors were always open for her. She had the most adorable meow, which would be especially loud whenever she was hungry and wanted food. Oftentimes, she would bring a kitten along, carefully holding them in her mouth. She would of course, share the food with her kittens. If we would go out somewhere, and return to our home, we would find her very casually sitting outside...

21-Day Blogging Marathon | Day 19: Unique Experiences Part 2

For Part 1 of this blog post, please click here. So the two of us moved in. Me, some suitcases, a laptop bag, a flat mate, and nothing more. Except, a few hopes and dreams, perhaps? It was a tiny house, with two tiny bedrooms, and a hall, which was just enough to accommodate the both of us. I don’t really recall when exactly it happened, when I developed a liking to this place, when I got comfortable enough to call it home. My room was bare, with a bed and a cupboard, and that was how I preferred it. However, there was something about it that I did not like at the time – I didn’t even bother to wait a day to change it – the open windows. They did not quite match with my “keeping it private” theme. I don’t know about most people, but I’m not comfortable with strangers peeping into my private space, even if it’s not what they intend to do. Hence, I picked up newspapers, new and old, and covered those windows with layers of them (yes, plural). I ensured that there was not an in...

21-Day Blogging Marathon | Day 18: Unique Experiences Part 1

I am going to write about one of the most unique, and by far one of my favorite experiences in life. I say that, because, as I was going through this time, I was devastatingly lonely and seemingly unhappy to the point where I might have considered myself depressed. However, looking back, I feel like this was the toughest and the most interesting time of my life, with the best memories, the biggest challenges and the most significant lessons. Which is what makes it my favorite. It was almost three years ago. I was 23, and I was starting out my first job. I did not know what role I was going to perform at my job, or where I was going to be posted. We had to undergo a 21-day orientation session in Bombay. The day on which I boarded my flight to Bombay, I did not know whether I would come back to my hometown or not. As someone who had spent 23 years of her life in one place, it was quite nerve wracking to contemplate being displaced like this, to think that I might never come back....

21-Day Blogging Marathon | Day 17: Outside my Window

I look outside my window I witness the wonders of the world I gaze at the towering trees And the gust of winds That cause the leaves To daintily dance and sing. Leaves, green and yellow Flowers, white and pink Of all colors that prophesy A change in seasons A turn in moods A switch from cool to warm. And then I see The sun that rises Each day from east to west. Intense moonlight That g leams and glistens Each day from dusk to dawn. The dogs who lay On empty streets Longing for human touch. The cats who sleep On walls and pavements Undisturbed, at peace. The birds who chirp Their melodies heard Louder than ever before. This is what I see The wonders I witness When I look out my window.